Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The wonder project - Test launch

Hello Bloggers,

This week for The Wonder Project our senior school classes looked at the health & safety. We were lucky to have Cole to help us with The Wonder Project. We watched a couple of videos from The Wonder Project about how to launch your rocket & what are the rules. We went onto Keith hay park to test our rockets to see of it works, we then had Justin & Keti as Cole's assistants. We had some booklets to complete with our teams and every time we complete a mission we get a sticker to put on our booklets.

The weather was rainy and windy, but everyone knew that we only has Cole on Tuesdays and without Cole we can't do The Wonder Project. Cole pumped the air pumper and set the PSI up to 60 because the rules were to only put the PSI up to 60 a less. We counted down from 5 and stayed back 3 meters because that was the rules. The rocket bottle went up high and went on the on the parking lot. Some one went carefully and got the bottle, we were all cheering. Then we did a couple more launching with the rockets.

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